It's that time of year! You know, the time when you switch from your everyday anxiety to your fancy Christmas anxiety.
Have you switched yet? I usually switch December 1st, but with each passing year it seems to start earlier and earlier. Why do we do this to ourselves?
One of the biggest culprits for me is the Elf. When our elf arrived 10 years ago, we named him and it was all Sean and I could do to remember to move Clyde each night. We enjoyed having him around for the first few weeks of December, but were always ready to send him home with Santa on Christmas Eve.
Then about the time our kids started elementary school, mom's started uping their elf game. With the help of Pinterest and Mommy Bloggers, the Elf took on a life of his own. And our kids quickly realized that other kids elves were doing more than moving. They were making snow angels in the flour, peeing in the toilet, TPing the Christmas Tree. They were baking cookies, creating kissing booths and having potato sack races. Seriously, who has this kind of time? I'm still struggling to remember to move him and people are sewing new outfits and creating elaborate displays each and every night.
We refused to play along for years. We just moved him around and told our kids that not all the elves are created equal. Occasionally, the elf would do something out of his ordinary, like leave them a candy cane or chocolate candy. But for the most part it was a small miracle if he actually moved.
Then yesterday I was sitting in my truck answering an email and the Brad Paisley song Last Time For Everything came on. The verse about Santa stopped me in my tracks. And I ugly cried right there in the parking lot at Home Depot. Our kids are getting older. They don't want to say they believe in Santa because they are afraid their friends will make fun of them. But they still believe. Or maybe they just want us to think they believe. Maybe they want to make sure there are still presents under the tree on Christmas morning. Because, let's face it, Santa brings the toys and mom and dad bring the clothes. (Anyone can do that kind of math.)
But our kids are getting older. And we are trying as hard to hold on as they are to let go. Maybe harder.
Our elf arrived this morning, a few days early. He brought donuts, and a little note. And a few snowflakes from the North Pole.
(you can download a printable here. print it on an 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper and fold it in half to stand it up)
I can't promise that he will be wearing new clothes or building lego forts, but I will be making every effort to make his visit this year a memorable one.
Does an elf visit your house?
Leave me some Elf inspiration in the comments! I'm going to need lots and lots of ideas....and several daily reminders!!
xo - kristi
Thank you for this. I have been waiting to put our elves out because I’m running out of ideas. I bought donuts today and they will be out tomorrow. We had one elf and then my sweet mother-in-law thought they were so cute and bought 3 more on clearance! They all do things as a group though. We don’t do anything too crazy, but have fun with them. We’ve put them in shoes on our stairs like they are sledding, put them under the printer cover and scanned a picture of all of them together (a favorite), put them with stuffed animals like they are reading a book, put them in a Barbie car, and put a straw in the maple syrup container like they are drinking it. They did tp our tree last year which really wasn’t too bad of a mess. We find it kind of fun, but as I am typing this it is 11:30 and I am just going to get them out! Thanks for the printable and good luck!
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November 26, 2018
Thank you for the printable. My son was just asking about our elf yesterday. I wish I wouldn’t have started the tradition but my kids love him. I made a hang glider that he hangs around on the kitchen chandelier for a few days. I’m like you though, he only moves around every couple of days and really doesn’t do mischievous things. I’m too tired to come up with something new,especially every night. I’m old. I’m tired! Not to mention there isn’t a lot of places he can really go in oNE room.