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words matter

December 05, 2014 3 Comments

hi friends.  welcome to the Barn.  and welcome to our blog.  we are so excited you are here.

five years ago when I started Barn Owl Primitives, I didn’t even know what a blog was.   sure, I’d read lots of them.   i’d visited them.  searched them for DIY tutorials of fun projects to do with my kids.   maybe even commented on one or two.  but I had no idea that they were called blogs.  and I had no idea that the word BLOG would become a household word.  

as my shop grew, I became very familiar with blogs.  I met some amazing bloggers that I now call friends.  real life friends.  true friends.    those bloggers helped my business.  they helped my shop to be seen.  and they helped ME.  they taught me.  they listened to me.  they supported me.

i was often asked when I would start a blog.   “i don’t have time.”  “I’m an artist not a writer.”  “i don’t need a blog.”  my answers were usually different, but they were really the same.  they were just hiding the truth.   the truth that I was scared.   deep down I was afraid that no one would read my blog.  that what I had to say wasn’t important.  or relevant.  or interesting.    so I brushed it off.  i was busy, after all.  

a few months ago my husband and I took a leap of faith.  he resigned his executive position to join me on this creative journey.   we’d talked about it for years.  dreamed about the possibilities.   then we decided it was time.   during the planning, we talked about what our company needed.  the word blog came up in almost every conversation.   it became our household word.   my stomach would twist.  my head would pound.   but just like I’d been doing for the first five years, I would brush it off.  change the subject. ignore it.  as it grew closer, I would extend the deadline.  I would hide behind other projects.

and then it was upon us.  the launch of our new website.  it was really happening.  there was no where left to hide.

last night, while doing the dishes and wringing my hands, it came to me.  it was like someone flipped a switch.  the lights came on.  it was all so clear.

my job, as an artist, is to play with words.   arranging letters and mixing colors to paint a picture.   each sign I design has a story to tell.    an important story.  a relevant story.  an interesting story.  because words matter.   they really do.

so I’ll be showing up here each week.   i’ll be introducing you to people and places that inspire me.  i’ll be sharing things that motivate me.     i’ll be letting you behind the scenes at Barn Owl Primitives and giving you a glimpse into how we create.  and why we create.  i’ll be sharing some of my favorite things.  and my hopes.  and my fears.  and my dreams.    

i’m hopeful that together we can learn a lot from each other.    that together we can make words matter.  

really matter.  by being kind.  being humble.  and being brave.    will you join me?

today, i invite you to watch our video.   to learn about our journey.  to hear more about Barn Owl Primitives.   to meet me.

and if you’d like, leave us a comment.  introduce yourself.  share how you found us.  tell us what sign from our shop speaks to you.  share a story.    we can’t wait to meet you!!




3 Responses

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<a href="">Similar Photo Cleaner</a>

April 10, 2020

I just simply wish to say that, your article is amazing. The clarity in your post is just nice and I can assume you are an expert on this subject. Thanks for sharing this post.

Crystalee Beck
Crystalee Beck

December 27, 2018

I am a customer (your work hangs in my sweet new baby’s room), and now that I’ve watched your intro film, I am a raving fan. What you have created is SO beautiful—as a mother, entrepreneur, and word lover. I would love to invite you to be part of #MamaSpringBreak, a business and adventure retreat for mom entrepreneurs. I will be in touch. Much love!

Lela Knedlik
Lela Knedlik

January 07, 2016

your work is beautiful!

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