A few years ago, I shared theinspiration behind our Be Awesome Today sign.
It’s been one of the most popular items in our shop likely because the message resonates with a lot of you, too. I’d like to believe the simple, positive, and powerful declaration— "Be Awesome Today" — holds meaning for kids of all ages (and, yes, for the record, I count myself as a kid... who just happens to be trapped inside a 45-year-old body).
Last week, Sean and I were discussing our 2017 goals. We have big plans for our family and our business — plans that require taking risks and stepping outside of our comfort zone. We also want to continue to teach our children the power of giving back, helping others, and sharing our hearts. We want to challenge ourselves to try new things and to alwaysbelieve: both in ourselves and in others.
Sean suggested we create a visual reminder of our goals to keep us motivated and on track, so we designed a brand new sign.
It elaborates on the "Be Awesome Today" message by further prompting us to have courage, share kindness, make someone smile, stay humble, believe in others, love unconditionally, and to show how big your brave is.
And since we’re trying new things, Sean added a rustic wooden frame to this new hand-painted sign. We love the way it turned out, and hope you do too.
Maybe these words will speak to you and your family. Maybe you will see yourself, your goals, and your plans written across this handcrafted wooden sign. Maybe these words will speak tokids in classrooms, doctors’ offices, art studios, locker rooms, family rooms, and bedrooms.
Sometimes simple messages are the most powerful. Being awesome is about being present — it’s about showing up, even if you’d rather be somewhere else. It’s about taking chances, remembering where you came from, and sharing your talents. It’s about loving with your whole heart.
Being awesome is a choice, so let’s choose to be awesome — because when everyone is working at being awesome, they aren’t worrying about what everyone else is doing. When people focus on their own thoughts, actions, and choices, they are pouring a lot of goodness into the world.
Let’s choose to be our best selves, and let’s focus on who we are and what we can do to make today great. How about it — are you ready to be awesome today?
You can purchase this sign here.
So, how are you choosing to be awesome today and in 2017? Join us on Facebook to continue the discussion or leave us a comment below. Let’s inspire one another. Being awesome is contagious, so pay it forward and pass it on.Comments will be approved before showing up.