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March 11, 2016

Today, I'm sharing five of my favorite things from this week!  

I'm completely obsessed with this DIY giant arm knit bunny.  OBSESSED!  
I have NO idea what giant arm knitting is, but I'm seriously considering learning all the things, because I need this bunny.  and now, you will too.  you are welcome.

source: Sweet Paul Magazine

Beer Cheese Soup.   Why did I not know about this?  Why did I not think of  this?  
I mean, Beer + Cheese + Soup = Goodness!

recipe: Garnish With Lemon

We have some very creative friends. They are makers. They pour their heart into every little detail of everything they do. They had their hardwood floors milled out of reclaimed wood and when they were installing them they carefully and thoughtfully cut a heart in the exact middle of the room. There is a rug over the spot. And a coffee table on the rug. Not many people know it's there. But they know. And I know. And now you know. And one day, the next owners will discover the heart. I hope they are as delighted as I was to discover it. 
I don't know about you, but it makes me want to rip up all my hard woods and add a heart or two. 


I love coffee.  I love cake.  So it will come as no surprise that coffee cake is my jam.   Growing up my grandparents always had a coffee cake under the cake dome on their counter.  My sister and I would sneak as many crumbs off the top as we could.  Sometimes we would sneak all the crumbs.  We thought we were so clever.  We thought no one knew.  When I saw this recipe this week, I immediately thought about my grandparents kitchen and all those crumbs.  I can't wait to make this coffee cake this weekend.  Because.  Crumbs.  

recipe: An Italian in My Kitchen

I think this picture says it all.  Carpe Donut.  The End.  

Carpe Donut Truck

Happy Friday!  May your heart be full and your donuts be hot!

xo ~ kristi




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