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February 27, 2018 10 Comments

a few years ago, i saw a sign on Etsy.  i shared it on my facebook page.  because it spoke to me.  then, a few weeks later, i received a package in the mail.   i opened the package, and was shocked to see the vintage sign looking back at me.  when i read the note, it brought tears to my eyes.  i didn't know it at the time, but this sign would become a pillar for me.  something that i would lean on.  and look to.  it would be something that would help me.  over and over again.  

it hangs in my studio and i look at it several times a day.

i know what you're thinking.  
"YOU paint signs.  for a living.  of course you like it."
but it's more than that.  so much more. 

 it reminds me to always keep my mind open to new ideas. and my heart open to change. it reminds me to look beyond the obvious. it reminds me that some times things are given to us - often in the most unusual ways.  it reminds me to be still and know.  it reminds me that some times what you believe to be true, isn't.  it reminds me that things happen for reasons that aren't always known to us at the time they are happening.  it reminds me that being vulnerable is important.  it reminds me that being courageous isn't easy.  it reminds me that impossible things are indeed possible.  
it reminds me that we can do hard things.  

it also reminds me of the sweet friend that sent it to me.

a few weeks ago my husband and i were talking and in the middle of our converstaion he said,
"...we need to look for signs.  the sign in your studio says it.  i think this is a sign.  we need to pursue it..."  
we were talking about heavy things.  important things.  life changing kinds of things.  
and in that moment it become so clear. 

this sign that has been guiding me.  teaching me.  speaking to me.
this sign that i look at everyday.
this very sign has not only been speaking to me, but it's been quietly speaking to all who read it.

"look for signs"

so i painted this sign so that others can experience its power.

we are offering it today as one of our  limited edition exclusive signs.   we will only be painting a limited number of them at this time so if you want one, grab it before it's gone.  

if you could use a gentle reminder.  a reminder to keep your mind and heart open.  a reminder to be vulnerable.  and courageous.  and brave.  or maybe you know someone who could benefit from seeing this sign every day.  hop over and snag one of these hand painted signs.  hang it where you will see it.  everyday.  
and remember to always look for signs.  

 xoxo ~ kristi


Letter Board available here.

10 Responses

Alice @ Hip Foodie Mom
Alice @ Hip Foodie Mom

March 18, 2016

love this!!! and I esp love this: “be still and know. .” not sure if it’s the same context but for me, it means, Be still and know that I am God.

Courtney Lopez
Courtney Lopez

March 18, 2016

What a great sign and message. I get messages all the time from paintings like this!! <3

ashley - baker by nature
ashley - baker by nature

March 18, 2016

Such an incredible post!

Megan @
Megan @

March 18, 2016

I love this post! Always look for the signs :)

Jocelyn (Grandbaby Cakes)
Jocelyn (Grandbaby Cakes)

March 17, 2016



March 17, 2016

I need to remember the line…. be still and know. Brilliant!!


March 16, 2016

Enjoyed reading this wonderful post


March 16, 2016

I love this message—-I need to look for signs


March 16, 2016

Thanks so much for sharing. Great reminder!


March 16, 2016

This was a great reminder! Thank you! :)

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